Yukon Gold Ultra Newsletter July 2007

Hello to you all and hopefully you are having a great summer!

Thank you for your patience as I realize I haven’t sent out any information for quite some time. Due to personal and family issues, I have decided to host the 2007 Yukon Gold Ultra in a reduced capacity this year. Everyone who has signed up is still invited to participate. You will receive your entrance fee back. Please contact me for more details.

The race will start at the Mt. MacIntyre Recreation Centre this year at the same times posted on the website. The ski chalet at Mt. Mac will be race headquarters and you are welcome to leave your vehicle and any clothing there.

The trail will be marked at key junctions with flagging tape and there will also be painted arrows on the trail to help direct you. We will have water on the race course and volunteers with first aid at key locations.

This year I would ask that racers prepare their gear and food to be dropped on the trail. The drop bags should be brought to the start line on Saturday morning (or Friday evening at the orientation).

Checkpoints are the same as last year, so you can check on the website to familiarize yourself with the locations.

Friday evening July 27th, all racers should plan to meet at Mt. MacIntyre Recreation Centre (go downstairs to the ski chalete) at 6:30 p.m. to pick up your maps and review the course. This should be completed by 7:30 p.m. to ensure you all have plenty of time to sleep on Friday evening. We will have an informal wrap up for the racers and volunteers at the High Country Inn on Sunday evening July 29th.

There will be no race shirts, medals or formal banquet this year.

If you have any questions please give me a shout. I appreciate your patience at this time and hope the scaled down format works for you all. Next year, we will once again host the race in it’s full capacity.

Shelley Gellatly, RD

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