Yukon Arctic Ultra – January 2007 Newsletter

Hello everyone,

Not much time left now! And it looks like we will have good weather and trail conditions, too.

The checkpoints of the YAU 2007

Over the last weeks Shelley has been very busy organising our non-remote checkpoints and making changes where necessary. I will now update you on the status.

CP 1 ¡V Takhini Hotsprings

After 4 years of staying at Ingrid¡¦s and Rolf¡¦s SIR North Country Ranch we will have a different CP 1 this year. It was always great at the ranch and I would like to say thank you to Ingrid and Rolf for being such great hosts.
This time we will stay at the Takhini Hotsprings. The race course will stay the same until we take a turn off the Takhini River. The overall distance to the CP 1 will not be affected. However, the distance from CP 1 back to the trail may increase by a couple of kilometres.

There will still be a mandatory stop of 4 hours (except for the 460 mile athletes) and athletes will still eat and drink outside. The marathon participants have of course the possibility to get changed and eat inside and enjoy the hotsprings.

CP 2 ¡V Dog Grave Lake

Business as usual at Dog Grave. Once again Jessica, Mike and Pete will prepare this remote checkpoint. And, yes, there really is a dog¡¦s grave.

As was the case in 2006 again everyone will sleep outside. The only real change is concerning the food. We will provide you with a double serving of travellunch expedition food.

CP 3 ¡V Braeburn

At Braeburn we will have the same set-up as every year, too. You can sleep inside and eat a meal of your choice from the menu.

CP 4 ¡V Ken Lake

Like Dog Grave Lake this CP is very remote. Again, everyone will sleep outside and it will be another checkpoint where we will serve travellunch expedition food.

CP 5 ¡V Carmacks

The CP in Carmacks will be in a different place this year. We had to change it because there is too much happening at the recreation centre when we are there. We are using a property that is right close to the trail. There will be a wall tent for sleeping and the possibility to dry gear and clothing. No more internet I am afraid.
Peter, the owner of the property also told us that there are free roaming dogs around the house. However, they are used to tourists and don¡¦t eat humans unless these are really tired and weak ¡K

CP 6 ¡V McCabe Creek

Nothing will change at McCabe Creek. It is still the shop, the same place which the Yukon Quest uses for the mushers. It is very simple but warm ¡V that is if we don¡¦t forget to put wood into the furnace every now and then.

CP 7 ¡V Pelly Crossing

In Pelly Crossing we will use the old recreation centre which is the place we used in 2005 for those of you who participated in that year¡¦s YAU.

CP 8 ¡V Pelly Farms

In Pelly Farms we may heat up the farm house that is in the back of the house where Sue, Dale and the kids are living. Thus the 460 mile athletes have more space to rest and it won¡¦t get as crowded inside. However, this will also depend on how far spread out the field is at this point in time.

Finish 300 Miles ¡V Pelly Crossing

Same as above.

As has always been the case we will try to go back to Whitehorse with full cars, i.e. if you finish and later on a couple more athletes will get to Pelly, we will wait. If you arrive in the late afternoon or in the evening we will also very likely wait until the next day before heading back to Yukon¡¦s capital.

CP 9 Scroggie Creek

Mike will set up and run this checkpoint with Pete. They will make it as comfortable as possible for you there.

Finish 460 Miles ¡V Dawson City

We have a meeting room there where we can sleep. If any of you want to sleep in a hotel room you can of course do so at your cost. It is very difficult to be sure as to when everyone will arrive. At this point I am thinking that you all will be faster than what I planned for. Should this be the case we will decide together if we head towards Whitehorse earlier. However, it will be very busy there by then because of the Canada Winter Games. We will see. If you are slower, we will wait until the early morning hours of Feb. 25th and then drive back together.

All checkpoints have coffee, tea, hot chocolate and hot water to drink. In order to do something for the environment we have decided not to buy styrofoam cups and plates and plastic spoons any more. Instead we ask you to bring your own. And you don¡¦t need an extra plate. It is fine with us if you use the pot you have to heat water. You decide. So, apart from that, please bring your own cups and spoons.

Change to timing of Training Course and checking of gear on Feb 10th

Mark Allen who just signed up for the 300 miles (Welcome Mark!) made me aware of a timing issue. So far our schedule on Feb. 10th for the training course would have made it difficult for you to witness the start of this year¡¦s Yukon Quest. That of course needs to be changed. For our timing on that day it means that will now have the following:

8:00 ¡V 9:00 (it was 9:00 ¡V 10:00)

Reconvene at the High Country Inn to debrief and review the worst fears and whether all had been answered.

9:00 ¡V 10:30 for all athletes (it was 10:00 – 11:30)

ƒ{        Review trail in details with maps

ƒ{        Protocol for checkpoints

ƒ{        Questions & Answers

The checking of mandatory gear will then be from 12:00 ¡V 13:30

With this new timing you can go see the start of the Quest teams which commences at 11:00 AM.

Best regards,


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