William Sichel – Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race Interview

William Sichel and Alan YoungWilliam Sichel features in an hour long interview in the current edition, 68, of Talk Ultra by Ian Corless. The in-depth look at the 60 year old’s remarkable finish at this years Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race discusses mental, physical and spiritual aspects of this the longest certified footrace in the world which takes place annually around a half mile city block in Queens, New York. Williams interview starts at 2:36:25 for those who don’t want to listen to the whole podcast.

Sichel is the oldest finisher of this race organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team and which has taken place since 1997. He set numerous records along the way to his 5th place finish in 50 days 15:06:04. Daily updates on the race were posted on Perfection-Journey which includes trackside interviews with Sichel and the other runners.

The Talk Ultra podcast also features an interview with David Johnston who pulled out of the 6 Days In The Dome race with 36 hours to go and which was subsequently won by Joe Fejes who set a new American 6 day record (subject to ratification) of 580.30 miles.


How William Sichel Ran 3100 Miles

William will be at Run and Become in Edinburgh to tell the story of his epic 3,100 mile journey in the world’s longest certified running event, the Self-Transcendence 3,100 Mile Race in New York.
The event is free but places are limited so sign up here to ensure you get to hear William talk about this amazing race.

Monday 29th September 2014
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Run and Become Edinburgh, 20 Queensferry Street, EH2 4QW

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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