Ultracentric 48/24/12/6 hour Races Results

This weekends Ultracentric results have just been posted and the new American 24 Hour Champion is Alex Swenson who finished with 146 miles. Second place was Roy Pirrung with 139.9 – half a mile ahead of third placed ladies winner, Carolyn Smith. Second placed lady and 7th overall was Rebecca Johnson with 134 miles and third lady with 132 miles was Connie Gardner. Three ladies over 130 miles and 28 people over the hundred.
Dean Karnazes finished in 5th place overall with 138 miles which is pretty impressive considering the amount of mileage that Dean has amassed over the last two months.

In the 48 Hour, Butch Allmon took first spot with 183 miles and first lady was Yugoslav, Elvira Janosi with 113 miles.

Full results available at:

48 Hour

24 Hour

12 Hour

6 Hour

Photos by Mike Langille

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.


  1. Hi Abichal,
    I must say that your site is currently looking terrific! You seem to be finding a lot of good stories at the moment!



  2. It IS amazing what Dean Karnazes ran in the 24 hr race, considering he only rested for less than 24 hours before the race, due to his trans-con — after the 5o/50, after his summer of 100-milers. He just missed the US Team – he did the same amount of laps as the 1st place finisher. Thanks for the results.

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