Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 Day Races 2013 – Final Results

Nirbhasa Magee
Nirbhasa Magee Photo Utpal Marshall

The final results of the Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 Day Races 2013  are up on the website. This is the 118th multiday race hosted by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team since 1985 and the last day drew some great performances with Dipali, Phil,John Geesler and Ananda-Lahari all going over 70 miles. But the most amazing final surge came from Irishman Nirbhasa Magee in his first multiday race running 159 miles in the last 48 hours with a massive 92 miles on the last day to bring his total to 1001 km.

Many thanks to Alan Young for his scoreboard photos and to Utpal at Perfection-Journey for his daily coverage of the races.

The top positions in the two races are posted below.

Position Name Miles
10 day
1 Martin Fryer 720
2 Ananda-Lahari Zuscin 662
3 Volodymyr Hlushchuk 628
1 Kaneenika Janakova 686
2 Ilvaka Nemcova 642
3 Elena Kareva 602
6 Day
1 Philip McCarthy 462
2 Alex Swenson 409
3 John Geesler 409
1 Dipali Cunningham 450
2 Jayasalini Abramovskikh 383
3 Sylvie Boisvert 360


Race website: Sri

Utpal’s daily posts on his blog: The home of multiday running news and events.

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