Running America 2008 – Updates

Posted on the Ulralist:

Date:    Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:40:39 -0700
From:    John H Wallace
Subject: Running America 2008 10 day update

The good news:

Images and a new video are on the main site along with updated blog entries:

The not-so-good news:

Marshall made it to the planned starting point of Day 10 just north of the Great Basin National Park and Charlie is about 17 miles back.  Another 12 miles or so beyond that is the Utah border.  This puts our intrepid duo one full day behind and by my calculations about 2500 miles to go or 69-70 miles per day.  Also, "by my calculations", they have covered 616 miles for 61.6 miles per day so far which is once again, truly amazing in this part of the country with mountain range after mountain range – it just isn’t the Rockies!

With talk of sore feet, Achilles issues, and plain barren territory, my optimistic an realistic sides are battling and I wish I was out there to push and help them reach their goal.  Nudging the little blue and orange SPOT dots just isn’t doing anything from here in Seattle.

[email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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