New Ultra Dates

A few new race dates have arrived over the last few days:

2° Ethiopian Lakes Trail 65 km Stage race, Lakes of Rift Valley April 28
Palic 24/12/6 and 100 km ultras – 16/17 June 2012
Self-Transcendence 3100 17 June 2012
Self-Transcendence 100 km Paris June 6th 24th 2012
Nashville Ultramarathons 70/60/50 km and 50 mile races 13 October 2012
6 Hours in Aalter, Belgium, 21 July 2012.
24 Hour Around the Lake Race, Wakefield, MA, July 27th (TBC)

The Self-Transcendence 24 Hour in Tooting Bec, London has been re-scheduled and will now take place September 22nd 2012.

The Self-Transcendence 6 & 10 Day dates will take place in April and exact dates will be announced in the next week and, though not ultras, there are some challenging events in the USA that go by the name of Rebel Races that are scheduled for 2012.

Please confirm the dates you are interested in by checking the website with the provided link. Last year Don missed the first day of the 6 Day in New York because the incorrect date was listed on the calendar.


Note: Updated 13 December.
Self-Transcendence 100 km Paris was wrongly stated as being June 6th. The home of multiday running news and events.

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