Belgium: Possible 222km Ultramarathon Race for 2008?

Ultrafondus are spreading rumours about a new race next year. This is the translated text of the story.

Evreux, the Eure (UFO) – Each year, our Belgian neighbors lengthen the distances. After having organized several 100 km, the Runners Celestial proposed to us the Round of Nutons in 2006 (100 miles of which we had published you a fabulous report in the mag n°34) and the Round of the Peat bogs which has been just completed (100 miles – to consult the results here). It thinks in “official circles” that one 222 km would be being studied. 222 km? Miam! We still have few information, if it is not that it would take place in September 2008 and would start from Bubbles for the full rotation of the Brabant Wallon. The race, if it takes place, will be done only with the road book, itself distributed right before the departure of the race (surprise!). Infos will be given to you as one will have some. Remain on line!

Source: Ultrafondus The home of multiday running news and events.

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