Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 42 – Alan Young

Kaneenika Janakova
Kaneenika and Suhasini Day 43 Photo by Alan Young

Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 42

Daily Diary
Saturday 28th July – Day 42

The coolest day by far and after a very windy first 2 hours it is ideal conditions for the runners – little sun, good cloud and little humidity. Temperature never above 68F.
Vasu leads the daily laps with 122, and now the estimate for his finish time has began. Still think it will be after day 47.
Yolanda has the next best total with 119 laps and really sails along in the cooler conditions and now only 20 miles below the daily average requirement.
Harita does 110 laps and is 2 miles above the daily average requirement.
So if they both keep this up, they will certainly finish, and with favourable weather forecasts for the next few days should keep there chances high indeed.
Everyone except Ananda-Lahari had good laps. He was visibly tired after three massive days of 160, 131 and 136 laps (an average of over 78 miles per day.
Kaneenika continues to chase Nirbhasa down and is now only 7 miles behind.

Crew Chief

Race Links

Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Live webcam on Youtube
Race Charts: Race charts and statistics
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 42: All gratitude to be here
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos
Sri Chinmoy’s website: Sri


Join four-time finisher Grahak Cunningham as he takes you on the 3100 mile journey from his first race in 2007 as a multiday novice to his ultimate victory in 2012, and discover what he learned along the way. Loaded with running training tips, anecdotes, athlete nutrition and race stories, a must-read for prospective candidates. The home of multiday running news and events.

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