Alan Young is in New York at the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 and is sending news from the race from his unique position as Crew Chief. Alan has been crewing top athletes in ultra and multiday events for many years and had planned to crew for William Sichel who withdrew at the last minute as his wife, Elizabeth, has cancer. From his trackside role Alan is able to share his thoughts and insights on the runners and along with daily interviews by Utpal Marshall at Perfection-Journey.org will provide comprehensive coverage of life at the race.
Daily Update
Sunday ? 19th Jun
?4:45am knock on campervan door and it’s all systems go to add the finishing touches. Setting up tables and putting out chairs. Putting runners boxes on the tables. Then (yesterday’s panic) setting up the 4 potaloos. They did not arrive till 7 pm after much phoning around.
By 5:30 most things are in place and runners start to appear in dribs and drabs, some by car others by cycle from many nearby apartments that the race have rented for the duration.
The lap counters tables set up with all the paperwork and materials at the ready.
Great scenes of panic and headless chicken impersonations abound as both runners and handlers get quite vexed.
At 5:50 RD Sahishnu gives the final instructions and words of advice. Introduces each runner to the now large crowd of onlookers, supporters? and press .
On the stroke of 6am, 10 hardy souls set off on a journey which may take 52 days to complete if at all
The weather is not too warm nor humid in the early stages and it appears all have started fast and a cry of “where’s the FIRE” rings out from many watching.
However the day turns warmer as the sun lifts in the sky and burns back the clouds, and now the cry “more ice” rings out. I make small packets of ice that can fit under hats, as well as race table having a plentiful supply for cooling drinks .
Although not given a specific role, I am used a various times to answer runners queries, and give assistance. An early example is making heel supports to insert in Nibhasa Magee’s shoes as he is feeling his hamstrings (seemed to do the trick, after a really good first days performance, at 11:30pm thanks me for my efforts some 16 hours ago).
We spend the rest of the morning setting out the cabling for the lights that will be required later in the evening.
Lunch arrives around 1:30pm, and the weather has got warmer, but a slight breeze means it is not too uncomfortable to run.
As I will be needed for the “shut down” at midnight I opt for the short walk to my basement flat and have 3 hours sleep, shower and shave.
?Return around 6 pm. And straight away into looking after the drinks table , and encouraging the runners. Conditions are really good now and you can clearly see many picking up the pace.
Meantime we get the lights set up and working.
Some runners have hit their target by 10:30 and opt for an “early night”
More and more runners stop and are quickly driven to their apartments, and we begin to dismantle the course, as we must leave the street from midnight till 5am next day and rebuild to be ready for 6am.
Ray K is to be security tonight, at 12:30 reach my apartment, set the alarm for 4:45am as I have to be on site for 5am zzzzzzzzzz
Crew Chief
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