Self Transcendence 10 Day Race 2013 – Update 60 Hours

Martin Fryer and Alan Young
Martin Fryer and Alan Young Photo by Utpal Marshall

These results are from a photo of the scoreboard as it was at 11:55 last night New York time. The scoreboard may not have been updated to reflect the true totals. This unofficial standings is just an approximation of positions and the official daily totals are being posted on the race website at:
Due to the manual nature of the scoring system there is often a lag between the end of the day and posting of the end of the day results.

Americas premier multiday race, after three and a half days has windy but dry conditions.  Space has opened up around Martin Fryer and Ananda-Lahari whilst there is still only a few miles between the mid-pack. The ladies race couldn’t be any closer between Samahita and Kaneenika on 192 miles and  lying in joint third overall.

Unofficial standings at 60 hours

Position No. Name Miles
1 2 Martin Fryer 226
2 4 Ananda-Lahari Zuscin 205
3 6 Volodymyr Hlushchuk 178
4 17 Teekshanam Dodonu 168
5 9 Oleksandr Kharko 166
6 12 Upakaraka Tolstopyatenko 164
7 22 Nirbhasa Magee 161
8 10 Andrey Andreev 160
9 3 Smarana Puntigam 160
10 21 Andrey Khachaturov 159
11 23 Sergey Kuzmin 158
12 20 Prabhala Carvalho 155
13 18 Alex Piva 155
14 14 Fred Davis III 155
15 8 Mark Dorion 151
16 7 Utsika Muckenhumer 150
17 13 Michel Gouin 145
18 15 Chakradhara Caslava 141
19 19 Padyatra Komak 133
20 11 Andrei Somov 125
21 16 Sumahat Strohn 115
22 24 Patanga Cordeiro 114
1 30 Samahita Achenbach-König 192
2 26 Kaneenika Janakova 192
3 27 Ilvaka Nemcova 183
4 28 Elena Kareva 172
5 37 Pati Ibinova 157
6 39 Giribhu Muhs 150
7 32 Vasuprada Funk 149
8 29 Vinati Docziova 145
9 31 Tirtha Voelnecker 137
10 38 Sara Schmidt 135
11 40 Anna 135
12 33 Yashasvati Plyavinskaya 134
13 36 Niribili File 132
14 34 Gudrun Frier 122
15 41 Bigalita Eggar 58

Self-Transcendence 10 Day results available on the Sri Chinmoy Races website:

Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Daily stories and photos.

Sri Chinmoy 10 and 6 Day Race 2013 Photo Gallery The home of multiday running news and events.

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