Scotland 2 Sahara – Andrew Murray’s Almost Done

The Scottish ultrarunner Andrew Murray, who embarked on an epic journey from John ‘o’ Groats to Morroco beginning on November the 8th 2010, will be done in 3 days – some 2650 miles later, according to his latest tweet.

Preparation for this event has been building over the 5 years Andrew has been running by participating in several multidays including The Sahara Race, The Gobi Challenge, The 6633ultra (120 mile version) and The Scottish Ultra.

Andrew is raining money and awareness and set himself a challenge to raise £100,000 for the Yamaa Trust charity. Two days ago he had almost reached £42,000 for the charity which is dedicated to the amelioration of poverty in the south Gobi region of Mongolia.

Checkout Andrews site The home of multiday running news and events.

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