Mi MiL’KiL 2017


Mi MiL’KiL 2017 (1st edition) will start on June 18 in the village of Lignac, central France. A new non-stop 500 Km race finishes in the city of Lodève, in southern France. The route is the same as the second half of LA MiL’KiL (Les 1.000 Kilomètre de France).

The 5 editions of the MiL’KiL (1000 Kilometers of France), which took place between 2008 and 2015 and with the 6th edition not scheduled until June 2018, the organisers have announced a little addition to the family “Gaul in trance”.

The MI MIL’KIL (June 2017) takes again the route of the second half of the original route of the 1000 kilometers that connect Saint-Malo to Sète, the most green part of the route, in the heart of France (Limousin, Auvergne, Languedoc ) and away from major roads. In short, the best of Gaul!

The commune of LIGNAC (Indre), the famous “Check-Point Charlie” at Km 430 of MiL’KiL, will host the start of this new event which will cross the entire Massif Central before diving towards LODEVE (Hérault) Languedoc and the Mediterranean.
Finish line and Km 500 at Camping les Vals for a recuperating and deserved stay by the pool.

Half-distance and half-time, but not addressed to the half-portions, the applicants will have a 6 days (144 hours) to carry out this half crossing of Gaul and deserve the title of MiMiL’Killeuses / MiMiL’Killers.

32 runners scheduled to start.

MI MIL’KIL start list

Race website:www.la-transegaule.fr

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