The 10th Brugg 24/12/6 hour race in Switzerland takes place in less than 10 days on Aare-Island in Brugg, some 35 km from Zurich.
This flat 934.8m loop allows parking and camping trackside.
A chip-timed event that alternates the swiss 12 hour championships with the Sri Chinmoy 24/12 hour race in Basle, theres usually a good field – in 2016 the race was won by Kenji Okiyama from Japan with 207 km and Orkney’s William Sichel took second place.
Kenji returns this year and will face competition for that top spot from an Italian team feautring Michele Notorangelo who ran 216 km at the Self Transcendence 24 ore di Cesano earlier this year, Matteo Colombo who has run 204 km in the same race. Peter Brenner ran 9:45:40 for 100 km at Biel in June and Julian Schneckenburger ran 200 km a few years ago.
Rossella Verzeletti (pb 175), Saara Mikkonen (163) and Claudia Michel who ran 11:38 for 100 km should all be reaching for the top spot.
In the 12 hour GBR runner Helen James (117 km) is in with a chance of an outright win if all goes well. Wolfgang Metzger has run 117 km this year too so There should be enough competition for Helen with an unusual field split of 11 women and 5 men.
The 24 hour starts at 12 noon on saturday and the 12 kicks off at midnight.
A brief note from the organiser:
Dear Runners
The countdown has begun, it’s another 2 weeks until the start of the 24 hours race in Brugg . The start list and the program are published on http://www.24stundenlauf.ch/en/
It is still possible to register for one of the runs on www.24stundenlauf.ch.
We are looking forward to welcoming many runners in Brugg.
With kind regards
Fredi Büchler
Liebe Läuferinnen und Läufer
Der Countdown läuft, es geht noch 2 Wochen bis zum 10. Laufwochenende von Brugg. Die Startliste sowie das Programm sind aufgeschaltet unter http://www.24stundenlauf.ch/de/.
Es besteht immer noch die Möglichkeit sich für einer der Läufe unter http://www.24stundenlauf.ch/de/ anzumelden.
Wir freuen uns viele Läufer in Brugg begrüssen zu dürfen.
Sportliche Grüsse
Fredi Büchler
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