David Horton Begins Continental Divide Attempt 2008

David Horton today begins his attempt to set a new record for completing the Continental Divide Trail, CDT, in North America.
Matt Hawzly of England is the current CDT record holder after finishing it in slightly more than 75 days in 2005 and Horton is planning to complete the run in 69 days.

Follow his progress on eco-xsports.blogspot.com/

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  1. Carol and I hope that Rosie is an encouragement to you. I know that all your fans in
    Lynchburg,Va. are saying prayers for you. We are visiting our daughter and her husband, Greg Anderson and 3 grand children in sunny Florida . Hope you make it in a record breaking time 67 days. Anything we can do here let us know. Carol and Rita.

  2. Good Morning !!!

    I do hope and pray that Dr. Horton is doing well and running hard!!! I just returned from an 11day trip in Colorado where I spent alot of time running into the Eagle’s Nest Wilderness Area (Just North/ Northeast of Vail) Anything above the 10,500 mark was getting snow squalls !!!! As he crosses into the higer elevation he’ll probably still run across some yet unmelted snow drifts. (It was up to my knee in some places) I hope Dr. Horton keeps a visual/written journal like he did while trekking up the PCT. The “Runner” DVD is so inspiring!!
    Thanks for letting me ramble!!

  3. Well;
    As I said i’ve been in the woods myself and did not realize that Dr. Horton had major difficulties and had to halt his attempt at the CDT. There are plenty of audio/visual “journal” type entries from David ; just google!! Let us all give him support and strength!!!

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