24 hores d’Ultrafons en pista – Barcelona – The Barcelona 24 Hour 2017 – Results

24h d'atletisme

The 24 hores d’Ultrafons en pista, the Barcelona 24 Hour has just drawn to a close with Ruben Delgado Gil (ESP) winning the 24 hour event with 240.74 km.  Nathan Montague (GBR) in what appears to be his debut at this distance was second with 234.61 km. Aykut Celikbas (TUR) was third with 225.85 km.

Monika Biegasiewicz (POL) won the womens race with 228.48 km for third place overall. Wendy Shaw (GBR) set a pb and was second with 220.16 qualifying for the British 24 hour team. Patricia Scalise (ARG) also set a pb with 2013.97 km.

Pos Name Km
Men 24 hour
1 Ruben Delgado Gil 240.74
2 Nathan Montague 234.61
3 Aykut Celikbas 225.85
1 Monika Biegasiewicz 228.48
2 Wendy Shaw 220.16
3 Patricia Scalise 203.97
Men 12 hour
1 Enrico Maggiola 149.52
2 Pedro Agustín Moran Salas 140.23
3 Isaac Barragán Luque 134.31
1 Rebecca Vanblaere 108.13
2 Ydalina Moreno 100.52
3 Jaana Thorström 98.41
Men 6 hour
1 Brian Arreborg Hansen 84.05
2 Jesús Arroyo 71.8
3 Rafa Pérez Da Silva 70.54
1 Tia Jones 74.34
2 Anja Hav Thomsen 61.24
3 Pau Maldonado Gimenez 57.44

Website: www.corredors.cat/24hores
Results: www.championchip.cat/24hores/informes/
Facebook: 24 hores d’ultrafons en pista

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