Wild Endurance 2011

Please find below AROC’s new dates for our 2 ultras in 2011: I would like to know if it would be possible to add them on your events calendar online…

– 30 April-2 May 2011: WildEndurance – A spectacular and challenging 100km teams-only trail trek in the heart of the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park. Raising funds and awareness for The Wilderness Society, this event is open to teams of 4-6 completing the full course or relaying the distance half-way through. With a cut-off time of 48hrs and over 3,800m elevation, this course will require both commitment and passion for teams to complete.
www.wildendurance.org.au – 02 9282 9553 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              02 9282 9553      end_of_the_skype_highlighting – [email protected]

– 14-15 May 2011: The North Face 100 – A 100km competitive ultra-trail running event in the Blue Mountains open to individuals. This is the pinnacle of trail running events in Australia including a spectacular course, over 4,200m elevation and a cut-off time of only 28 hrs to complete the course. Belt buckles for those finishing in less than 14 hours! Test yourself, push your own limits and achieve something to be proud of! Dean Karnazes, the Ultra-Marathon Man said this event was “the toughest 100kms [he’s] ever done”. For those not quite ready for the total experience, the Marathon Pairs option offers teams of 2 the possibility to relay the distance at mid-course.


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