In 2008 JB Benoit, the Race Director of the Trans-Gaule, hosted “Les 1000 Kilomètres de France” a non-stop run from St Malo in the English Channel to Sete on the Mediterranean coast. It was a one-off event but such an attractive route that this year he has decided to host it again while the Transe-Gaule takes a sabatical.
This year 2009, I will organise the 2nd “1000 Kilometres de France (Mil Kil) – a 1000 km non-stop event across France from SAINT-MALO to SETE, and also a 200 km non-stop race on the last section of the 1000 KM between towns of RODEZ and SETE.
Both races are non-stop and a personal crew is necessary.
Both races organised as a support to the Taiwanese runner Shu Jung Lu Chiu.
Dates are August 16-28 for 1000 K (cut-off = 12 days) and August 23-28 for 200 K (cut-off = 5 days).
Bonne année aussi à vous. Best regards.
J.B. Jaouen
More information and contacts are available at Yanoo.net
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