100km World Cup 2008


100 KM WORLD CUP 2008 IN ITALY !!!

Dear friends,

This time it took a while but finally we can announce that next year the IAU 100 KM WORLD CUP UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE IAAF will take place in ITALY.
The event has been assigned to the 100 KM DEGLIETRUSCHI which is organised by the same team that that is
responsible for the Roma Marathon.

The date is SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 2008. The race starts in Tuscania (80 km north of Rome) with a first stretch
of 25 km to Tarquinia, followed by 5 loops of 15 km before finishing in Tarquinia (a beautiful Etruscan city, located at 5 km
from the Tyrrhenian Sea).

More details will follow later.

Kindest regards,


IAU President

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