TRANSE GAULE VII : August 13-30, 2008

TRANSE GAULE VII : August 13-30, 2008

“NEXT YEAR, TRANSE GAULE !…”, during this month of September I heard it many times, from Gruissan to Lörrach. I heard it from stars’ hunters wanting to add one more to their collection (), from Deutschlandlauf strong survivors planning to visit La Douce France and also from TransEurope 2009 entrants who need to run kilometers and kilometers in the 18 months to come… Altogether around 30 runners already told they plan to run Transe Gaule 2008. So it feels important and urgent to inform you that the number of runners will be limited to 45 on the start line.

This means you should let me know as soon as possible it if you are seriously interested in TG 2008 and if you would think about adding your name to the list of 101 runners who already succeeded in crossing France from 2001. Just send me an email to enter the pre-list.

After the 45th entrant a waiting list will be opened. If friends interested for 2008, please send them this message.

Au revoir, Bye, Auf Wiedersehen, Até mais and so on… Keep on running, guys, and See you soon in Gaule !


For Transe Gaule 2008 we promise SUN, SUN and SUN because this is the kind of Summer photo we want to see NEVER MORE !

(1) Already entered TG 2008 : Don Winkley****** (USA) & Daniel Muller****** (France) who already participated 6 times, also Sigrid Eichner*** (Germany), Female Winner 2004, Werner Selch*** (Germany), Winner 2006, Fabrice Viaud*** (France) and his famous tatoo, Trond Sjaavik** (Norway), 2nd in 2005 and 2nd in DL 2007, Ria Buiten* (Netherlands), Female Winner 2002, Chen Ching-Hui* (Taiwan), 3rd in 2007 and the 194 cm tall Willem Mütze** (Netherlands) who is the only runner in the world having succeeded 2 times in TG + 2 times in DL.

Some info on former editions here: The home of multiday running news and events.

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