Trans-Con Runner Paul Staso Plans to Bike It

Last year Paul Staso ran across America. He is now planning to cycle across the country, for the same reason as last year: to encourage children to exercise. He feels he is making a difference,if you think you can make a difference by helping him please check out his website and contact him.

Posted by Tony Mangan.


Today I gave a presentation to the Missoula Lions Club about P.A.C.E. Run
2006 and my pending cycling trek across America, P.A.C.E. Bike 2007. I
appreciate them inviting me to their luncheon. They were very kind and
listened to my story about the students’ successful “virtual” run across
the U.S.A. and the completion of my actual run across America to keep my
promise. I shared a PowerPoint presentation and answered questions about
the journey.

Last Friday the bike trailer arrived from BOB Trailers, Inc.  My sons and
I assembled it and the Windsor touring bike is scheduled to arrive in 5
days. The weather has warmed up considerably (currently 46 degrees in the
mid-afternoon) and that means the streets are getting cleared of the snow
we got last week. The temps are supposed to stay a little warmer this

As I spoke today to the Lions Club members, it quickly became clear that
not many of them were aware of my run last year. I think that’s generally
the case. Most people have no idea that I ran across America solo last
year, and even more have no idea that I plan to cycle across America this
spring to speak at schools across the country – as explained at Sometimes I feel like I’m spinning my wheels… like I’m
expending a lot of time, energy and personal expense for a health/fitness
message that just isn’t getting out there. I don’t have a book to push on
people, or my face on the cover of a magazine. I’m just a regular guy
trying to do what he can to make a difference in this world. That doesn’t
pay me anything, and certainly costs a lot on a personal level.

To date, I have received a total of $10 in donations for P.A.C.E. Bike
2007, which will cost an estimated $3,000. That is discouraging. Also,
even though about half of my lodging is arranged for the trek, many of the
other inquiries I’ve made to try and secure further lodging have gone
unanswered. Again… discouraging.

I told a friend of mine today that it is uncertain as to whether or not I
will get on an airplane and fly to Delaware on April 9 to begin this trek
– which is now only about 2 months away. There just doesn’t seem to be
much interest in what I’m trying to accomplish with all of this. I can’t
fund a second crossing on my own after paying over $20,000.00 of my own
funds (trek costs and lost wages) to get the P.A.C.E. Run to the finish
line. In a nutshell, I need help. I appreciate the well wishes from people
who have written, but I also need some firm commitments in the form of
financial assistance and lodging. Without those two crucial elements taken
care of, this trek will not occur.

Many people have communicated how “fun” it is to watch my progress across
the country through the web site. However, this quest I’m on is not
designed for entertainment. It has a very strong reason behind it…
childhood health and fitness. I understand that monitoring the progress of
someone crossing the country can be “fun” or “interesting”, but there is a
reason behind every step… or every wheel turn. I’m trying to make a
difference in young lives, and I need help from those with whom that
message resonates.

There will need to be quite a change in the tide of things during the
course of the next 8 weeks in order for P.A.C.E. Bike 2007 to begin
rolling from the Atlantic toward the Pacific on April 11. I’m doing
absolutely everything I can, and I can’t give more than I am. Right now
there are 5,000 children in schools along the route who are scheduled to
hear my presentation, and we’re waiting to hear from many more schools.
Sadly, I simply do not have the funds available to go to them.

Paul Staso
P.A.C.E. Trek – “Promoting Active Children Everywhere”
P.O. Box 3404, Missoula, Montana 59806
Web Site: The home of multiday running news and events.

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