Dear Ultrarunners
I hope you are well and motivated to run.
The 24h race season in Switzerland starts every year with the Sri Chinmoy 24 Hour race in Basel, it will take place next weekend May 13th to 14th. There the 12 Hour Suisse National Championship will be held.
Later on, September 23th/ 24th, the Brugg 24 Hour race will take place, including the Suisse 24 Hour Championship. We celebrate our 10th anniversary.
As every year not only the ultrarunners in the disciplines of 6/12 and 24 hours are invited to participate but also shorter distances can be chosen, either in the relay race or in the charity run, see www.24stundenlauf.ch.
-Please note we have a new registration tool, there it is immediately apparent who is registered-
As an anniversary gift, all participants of our first event in 2007 plus the overall winners, ladies and gentlemen, of all competitions in Brugg are invited to partic
ipate free of charge.
Please register immediately with me: [email protected]
For our anniversary we hope for a large international field. In this sense, I would be pleased to welcome you in Brugg.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours in sport,
Fredi Büchler
President Brugg 24 Hour Race
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