Sharon Gayter sets new Lands End to John ‘O’Groats Record

Sharon Gayter – Britains premier female multiday runner breaks LEJOG record

After overcoming pain, injury, exhaustion, adverse weather and 837 miles after leaving Lands End in Cornwall, England, Sharon Gayter reached John ‘O’Groats in Northern Scotland to establish a new record by some 17.5 hours beating the old record set by Sandra Brown who finished the distance 13 days, 10 hours 1 minute in 1995.

Sharon finished Friday evening, September 15th around 10:30 and Mike Amos of the Northern Echo interviewed Sharon as she completed her amazing journey last night.

Read more on Sharon Gayter’s website The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Amazing just seen Sharon Gayter at the end of my lane near clevedon n- Somerset running from John O’Groats Looking amazing . Hope you make the world record x

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