Self-Transcendence Six And Ten Day Races 2013

sri chinmoy marathon team

sri chinmoy marathon teamThe dates have been announced for the Self-Transcendence Six And Ten Day Races in 2013 and which will take place in their customary location.

Self-Transcendence Eighteenth Annual Ten-Day Race
April 17 – April 27, 2013 starts 12:00 noon

Sixteenth Annual Six-Day Race
April 21- April 27, 2013 starts 12:00 noon

Flushing Meadows Corona Park,Queens,New York
In cooperation with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Adrian Benepe,Commissioner

Start and finish at 12:00 noon – both races
* certified, flat, well-paved, lit, one-mile loop in famous park setting (Certification code NY11008JG)
* Medical service, showers, food and drinks provided
* Accurate lap counting
* Continuously updated scoreboard
* Awards, (men & women) Open, 50-59,60-69, 70 & up
* Cut off schedule: 10 day race : 3 days-150 mi.; 6 days-300 mi. 6 day race: 3 days- 150 miles
* Entry fee: 10 Day -$650.00 6 Day – $450.00 Entries Close April 3, 2013
* No entries under 18 accepted.
Acceptance at race director’s discretion
* Overseas runners may pay when they arrive in New York provided they send in entry and housing forms as well as
confirming their participation.

You can download the entry form here or for more information about the Self-Transcendence Six And Ten Day Races 2013, go online to the race website at: The home of multiday running news and events.

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