Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race Day 22

A Feast For Kings and Queen

In response to Don Lookingbill’s request I am writing something about the race food;

There are 4 full time cooks who prepare meals for the runners. Each morning they start the race with cups of homemade Muesli, oatmeal and pancakes or waffles available. There is coffee and hot water to make herbal tea. There is an all day buffet of snacks and fresh fruits next to water,coke, ginger ale and cytomax ( this being the prefered replacement drink).At 9 am a full breakfast arrives made to each runners orders. Then at 11am soup arrives, around 1 it is lunch and at about 7 in the evening dinner. Throughout the day various visitors to the race will bring snacks, fresh fruits, baked goods or even ice cream.

There is one particular visitor, a local 94 year old named George who has embraced the race from it’s first edition. He comes every morning with fresh fruits, and when local sweet corn becomes available he cooks some and brings it out for each runner.

I would mention that all the meals are vegetarian since all the runners are vegetarian, on the occasion that a participant is not, the odd non veggie meal will be provided. The cooks try to provide a balanced and interesting variety of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are adjusted throughout the race as is felt needed. I hope this gives some idea of the range of foods available and the frequency. Of course it is up to the runners to eat enough to keep them going. There is lots of encouragement from Handlers and race crew. The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Chanakhya, Thanks for the great reporting. This was exactly what I was looking for. I always look forward to your updates every day. Thanks, Don

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