Pine Creek Challenge 2011 Cancelled

The Pine Creek Challenge is a 100 miles or 100 kilometers on the Pine Creek Rail Trail in northern Pennsylvania.
The RD for the Pine Creek Challenge writes:

The organizing committee has had to make a hard decision. We have been notified that Pennsylvania’s department of transportation will repair Route 414 at an area called Cedar Run Narrows. The road is perched on a rocky cliff above the Pine Creek Rail Trail at that point. The repair will involve closing Route 414 and routing traffic over the rail trail for a mile and a half stretch. This work is urgently needed and the project is moving at top speed for a governmental agency. The work won’t be completed until December. At the end of the road repair, the rail trail will be restored to its current condition.This severs the route of our Pine Creek Challenge. Technically, the rail trail will remain open, but will share the bed of the trail with Route 414 traffic. In the interest of runner safety we have decided to cancel this year’s Challenge. We want to offer a safe, near wilderness event in the scenic Pennsylvania Grand Canyon and this development takes that away.We will continue to meet and refine plans for the 2012 Pine Creek Challenge. The website will stay active and we’ll add content. We have selected hand made coffee mugs for finisher’s awards. We will get photos of those posted soon. The 2012 event is planned for September 8 and 9, 2012.
Steve Hanes

Pine Creek Challenge The home of multiday running news and events.

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