Ozark Trail 100 Mile 2009 Prelimnary Results

Posted on the Ultralist:
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:34:37 -0500
From: Paul Schoenlaub
Subject: Ozark Trail 100 Mile Initial Results

THANKS to all the runners and volunteers who helped make the inaugural Ozark Trail 100 Mile Endurance Run a tremendous success! The race ran far more smoothly than I ever expected. I believe this race was a great unveiling of Missouri’s Ozark Trail in the Mark Twain National Forest to the ultrarunning community nationwide and beyond.

A special thanks to the US Forest Service for allowing us to use the trail, the Ozark Trail Association for all their hard work in building and maintaining the trail, and to our sponsors, Hammer Nutrition and Salomon, for
supporting this inaugural event.

I plan to complete the verification of results by Wednesday and have the results available at that time.

For now, here are some of the final results:

First place overall: Jeff Browning 38 OR 18:38:59
First overall female: Rachel Furman 26 IL 25:28:21

First masters male: PoDog Vogler 43 AR 26:50:04
First masters female: Susan Donnelly 46 TN 30:19:04

We had a 44.4% finisher rate. 126 runners started the race and there were 56 finishers. I believe the low finisher rate can be attributed to an unseasonably warm November day in central Missouri combined with a very technical trail with the leaf cover.

Complete results will be posted sometime Wednesday. Thanks again to all involved with this race!

Paul Schoenlaub
St. Joseph, Missouri
[email protected]

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