News Round-Up – Alexandra Panayotou,Norma Bastidas,Lisa Tamati


1. Alexandra Panayotou
2. Norma Bastidas
3. Lisa Tamati
4. Ray Zahab interview
5. Rock & Ice Ultra 2010 Cancelled


1. Alexandra Panayotou

Alexandra Panayotou an athlete from Sant Vicenç de Montalt, who ran 2010 kilometres through mid-Spain covering 14 provinces in June in order to promote the European Athletics Championships in Barcelona 2010, just completed a 100 mile solo run, “Montserrat-Matagalls-Montserrat” in 26 hours.


2. Norma Bastidas


What: After completing 7 races on 7 continents in 7 months and
breaking the Guinness World Record, Norma Bastidas announces
plans for her next huge challenge – climbing 7 mountains on 7
continents. She will take on her most enduring challenge yet.
Hear why this woman wants to do this.

Who: Norma Bastidas

Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009 Press Conference
Introduction by Lindsay O’Connor 1:15 p.m.
Speech by Norma Bastidas
Media Q&A moderated by Lindsay
Event concludes – informal media scrum

Venue: Four Seasons Hotel
791 West Georgia – Arbutus Room
Vancouver, British Columbia


3. Lisa Tamati

logo“Just imagine getting up before 5am every morning for 33 days and running for an average of 60+ kms per day!” So starts an article on Lisa Tamati who is running from Bluff to Cape Reinga, New Zealand in 33 days covering 2,200 kms.

“In the course of this unbelievable run Lisa is raising money for charity and proving to anyone that such a challenge can be achieved”

Lisa’s blog has this as the latest entry: Day 10 – 9 November 2009

Very slow progress today. My body is starting to let me down big time. I had a mobile physio come on the road yesterday to help me out. I have a tear in my right hamstring and also really bad shin splints in my left leg. Each step is just so painful. I managed 58km today, yet those km’s took me 11 hours. I am now 6km behind schedule… which is not a lot of distance, yet when each step is painful, the thought of making up 6km tomorrow really deflates me. I’ll write more soon, just need to go and have a rest. Lisa.

Visit Lisa’s blog, NZRun and send her a message to cheer her up.

4. Ray Zahab interview
Ray Zahab Interview About Ultrarunning

New website Ultrarunning News has an interview with Canadian multiday runner Ray Zahab who leapt into the spotlight with his run across the Sahara desert with Charlie Engle and Kevin Lin in 2007. Ray talks about nutrition, hydration and dealing with injuries amongst other topics. You can listen or download the interview from

5. Rock & Ice Ultra 2010 Cancelled

The Rock and Ice Ultra has been cancelled for 2010 due to effects of the economic climate. The Race Director hopes to have the event back on for 2011.
Read more details at: The home of multiday running news and events.

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