Mike Ehredt – Project America Run 2010

Posted on the Ultralist:

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:54:41 -0600
From: Lori
Subject: Project America Run

Hello Listers,

I wanted to let you know that my great friend, Mike Ehredt of Driggs, Idaho is starting his run across America on Saturday to honor fallen soldiers in Iraq. He will run solo pushing a baby stroller filled with his supplies and camping stuff. You can follow Mike on 4,551 mile journey from Oregon to Maine through his website: www.projectamericarun.com. Mike is an amazing person, friend to all and forever encouraging other’s pursuits.
Mike is also an amazing runner finishing the Rocky Mountain Grand Slam in 2008, twice top 150 at MDS (Morocco) and many other nonrunning accomplishments. He has been working humbly on this dream for 3 years.

Some info from Mike on his solo run:

Project America Run was conceived to Honor and Remember our fallen service members from the Iraq war.

On May 1st, 2010 I will depart the Pacific Coast in Astoria, OR, and begin a 4551 mile journey across the Unites States, ending at the Atlantic Ocean, in Rockland, ME.

Family members and friends helped me label over 700 feet of yellow ribbon, which bears the Name, Rank, Age and Hometown of each Soldier and Marine who died in Iraq. We attached the ribbons to 4375 flags, to be placed each mile along the roadways until my task is complete, with the last flag placed at the water’s edge in Maine.

Along the way I will spend each night with a host family, 160 in all. These are people I have never met. Some of them are the families of a deceased service member. All of them have opened their homes to me and my

I will also speak with 30 high school and college cross country/track teams. They will all run a few miles with me and carry a flag. I want our next generation of leaders to understand the sacrifices made by those who
led before them.

Check out the map on his website (www.projectamericarun.com) and if you live nearby when he passes, I know he would love some company on the roads placing a flag every mile. I think he is still looking for a few hosts in rural Idaho. He will be getting lots of steak and veggies when he stays with me.

Lori B.
Jackson, WY

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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