Despite problems with the site earlier today there have been a number of new races added to the calendar recently:-
Donadea 50K | http://www.donadearunningclub.com/Anto50km.html |
The Druids Challenge | http://www.xnrg.co.uk |
GlobalLimits Bhutan 2013 – The Last Secret – | http://global-limits.com |
Alice Springs Ultra Marathon | http://www.asrwc.com.au/ |
Running And Living – 24 hr experience | http://runningandliving.com |
Piece Of String Fun Run | http://www.centurionrunning.com/piece-of-string-fun-run/ |
The Tuna Run 200 | http://tunarun200.com/ |
Pickled Feet 24/12/6 Hour & 100 Mile | http://24hour.pickledfeetultras.com |
Silver City Endurance Runs 100k, 50k, 30k | http://scer.pickledfeetultras.com |
Wilson Creek Frozen 50k, 20M, 10M | http://frozen50k.pickledfeetultras.com |
TransRockies Run | www.transrockies.com |
Ragnar Relay So Cal 2013 | http://ragnarrelay.com/race/southerncalifornia |
Roller Coaster Run | http://www.rollercoasterrun.com/ |
Ragnar Relay Cape Cod | http://www.ragnarrelay.com/race/capecod |
If you would like to add a date to the calendar its very easy and there’s no fees, no strings, not even a login. Just go to the Add Event page and fill in the form. If you would like to have a 468×60 banner at the top of the page then we have a special discount for the rest of October $10/month, $15 two months. Offer valid until midnight 31st October 2013.
Send logo to [email protected].
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