Green Mountain Relay – June 19-20, 2010

The Green Mountain Relay is a 200-mile team distance relay race adventure in Vermont designed for runners of all abilities. Scheduled the third weekend of June to take advantage of the Summer Solstice, the intimate GMR route travels north-south through the heart of Vermont and the Green Mountains, with a majority of the route following or paralleling historic Route 100. The Fifth Annual running of the Green Mountain Relay will be Saturday – Sunday, June 19th – 20th, 2010.

Start your running season off with a fun and challenging adventure with 5 or 11 of your running friends on one of America’s most scenic relay race routes.


Route 100, which appears on many “Top 10” lists of American’s most scenic roads, is a bucolic, two-lane road lined with maple trees, passing through narrow valleys, picking its way around cornfields, and traveling through small villages rather than ignoring them.

Runners will experience all that is special about Vermont: country stores, sugar houses, quaint country inns, covered bridges, and revolutionary war period homes, buildings, and cemeteries. Route 100 weaves through small towns and villages, past mooing cows, crowing roosters, and the roaring waterfalls in Granville Gulf. Runners cross over seven historic covered bridges, go up and over challenging hills such as Terrible Mountain, and finish with the Bennington Memorial on the horizon.

The relay begins 45 minutes from Burlington in the small town of Jeffersonville and finishes in Bennington.

GMR Course


There are two main divisions of teams in the Green Mountain Relay: 12-person and Ultra teams. Both divisions have competitive and non-competitive options.

GMR map
GMR map The home of multiday running news and events.

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