Dean Karnazes – Trans-Con 2006

This will surely be the most publicised trans-continental crossing ever. Just in case you’re not up to date on Dean, he has a new blog courtesy of Runners World and modern technology that can show exactly where Dean is when he’s on the road. Currently 171.9 miles from New York on his journey and meeting all sorts of kind folk, Dean has a fairly serious challenge in front of him as it’s not the best time of year to attempt such a journey.

50 miles a day will still require 60 days to complete the distance. 50 miles a day is no joke and on top of this there is the logistics of getting adequate nutrition and liquid, finding a route, finding somewhere to sleep, clothing changes, dealing with physical issues and there will probably be snow covered mountains in the way at some point.

Having read Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner it’s clear that Dean is a resourceful runner in good shape and ‘he’s hard’.

All the staff here at wish him the best of luck.

Where’s Dean Blog

PS This is the 100th post since the latest upgrade, September 10th 2006 The home of multiday running news and events.


  1. Paul Staso of Missoula Montana just completed a trans-con run 3 weeks ago. His run was called P.A.C.E. Run 2006, which stands for Promoting Active Children Everywhere. What Dean Karnazes is doing is nothing but a copycat run, as was his 50-50-50. Paul started his run on June 23 at Cannon Beach Oregon. At the time that Dean “hatched” his idea for running for kids fitness, Paul was already more than half-way into his run. 97 kids at a local school in Missouls first had to complete the challenge that Paul gave them, of they themselves virtually making the run on the same route that Paul ran. If you look at you will see that running to promote kids fitness is not the brainchild of Dean Karnazes, nor is it in the least original as he is trying to make people believe. While I wish him the best of luck, I wish that people would give credit where credit is due…to Paul Staso and not some self-promoting egotist!

  2. As said above, “This will surely be the most publicised trans-continental crossing ever.”

    How correct you seem to be.

    However, you may want to check out the website for information about Paul Staso’s P.A.C.E. Run like Stacey mentioned above. This trans-continental run was COMPLETED just three weeks ago and was the first trans-continental run don to promote physical fitness in children, i.e. Promoting Active Children Everywhere. This run was the brainchild of Paul Staso and his daughter Ashlin and made possibly by 97 elementary kids at Russell Elementary School in Missoula, Montana.

    MANY high profile magazines and news media were contacted regarding this run and for whatever reason(s) they chose not to report on and/or follow P.A.C.E. Run 2006 and the Run/Walk Across America virtual run. Boy did they and the rest of the country miss out!! This was and is an amazing project which deserves recognition. Take a look at the site and if you have any questions contact Paul at [email protected]

  3. Dean “hatched” his idea for the 50-50-50 well before June. In fact, when I purchased his book in April, there was already an insert describing the 50-50-50. The scheduled start was in September so Dean could run in 7 live events, culminating with the New York marathon. Running across the continent is not a novel idea either – indeed it has been accomplished well over 100 times. Paul’s accomplishment is fantastic and should have received more publicity. However, I’m not sure why anyone would begrudge Dean in his efforts to encourage and inspire people of all ages to become active and lead healthy lifestyles. I’ve been inspired by Dean’s extraordinary efforts and after running with him in the E50, he is genuinely a good person who is doing something to promote a cause that is worthy. It will take more than the efforts of Paul and Dean alone to break the epidemic of obesity and unhealthy living that has taken over this country and hopefully they will both continue on their missions – regardless of who gets the most credit.

  4. I was searching for results for the Ultracentric 2006 when I discovered this webpage… and the arguments/discussions of the commenters. I agree with Scott’s comment above: it doesn’t matter who gets “the credit for being first”, because I truly don’t think that Paul or Dean or others in our memory have endeavored to do something while mentioning charity. The fact remains: there are people out there who want to call attention to a problem.

    Honestly, after meeting Dean and also reading so many people’s descriptions of their encounters with him, it’s easy to see why Dean gets so much publicity: he’s kind, enthusiastic, and genuinely LIKES people. People, in return, give attention to nice folks. I think that’s how Dean gets so much attention from sponsors as well as the public. He doesn’t say that he’s a grear runner or the most amazing athlete: if one listens to him speak, he only says that he likes to run. He likes encouraging other runners. He likes encouraging fitness…

    …and truly, if one reads his blogs from these summer and autumn events, he speaks about meeting OTHER people and being inspired by THEM. He may be an inspiration to people but he himself does [seemingly] not walk around on a cloud of egotism, even in person; he even deflects conversation AWAY FROM himself and onto other subjects. (This is MHO).

    I’ve heard so many ultrarunners say awful things about Dean, but none of these comments seem like the Dean I’ve read about nor met. Congrats to Paul Staso’s accomplishment, and the 100+ other people who have done the same thing (wow!) – but if anything, if someone were to learn anything from watching Dean get attention, it’s that he he seems to give 100% attention and kindness to everyone (and everything) he meets, and that endears him to the media, sponsors, and the public alike.

    Here is the person I found when I met Dean:

  5. Many overseas runners -Russians, Hungarians and other Europeans have done in official races and in double speed of what your artificial solo runner claims, but they never claim that as achievements because its not. In official races Dean and all “runners in fantasy” how do they perform? Nothing special. In International level what is their ranking? Nothing special! Why then you allow someone to make stories of no importance and especially when there are thousands of people who are doing grate races and performances and are much better than those who are unable to become in a straight and fair way?
    The term “self-promoting egotist” apply to all those who are unable to be succesfull in international events…

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