Charlie Engle and Marshall Ulrich To Run Across America

Greensboro runner aims to inspire in 3,200-mile run
By Dioni L. Wise Staff Writer Friday, May. 30, 2008 3:00 am

GREENSBORO — Forrest Gump ran across the United States twice in more than three years.

Distance runner extraordinaire Charlie Engle soon will attempt a one-way trip in 45 consecutive days. And not because he “just felt like running.”
The Greensboro resident will join Idaho runner Marshall Ulrich to raise awareness of children’s health and wellness issues in the Running America campaign, beginning Aug. 9 in San Francisco and tentatively ending Sept. 21 in New York. The course will cover about 3,200 miles.
“What we’re trying to do is … give kids the message that it’s cool to go out and exercise and be in the environment,” Ulrich said.
He urges children to step away from computers and TVs to improve their physical and mental well-being.

Engle, 45, said advocates for some causes tell others what to do but rarely practice what they preach.
“My goal is to actually engage them physically … over a 45-day period, by having thousands of people run with me,” Engle said.

NEHST Studios will film “Running America” for a documentary of the same name. The company will cast extras to run alongside Engle, Ulrich and other celebrity runners.

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