The Last Annual Vol State Road Race 2009 – Updates Day 9

Posted on the Ultralist:
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:18:34 +0000
From: lazarus lake
Subject: vols state start of day 9-the lonely road

Well here we are again. Only two runners remain on the course, Mike-o now thru Tracy city (281) is talking a finish by 5 or 6 tonight.
Rich is just out of Manchester (253) and is only planning a marathon today.

The road feels already deserted. In a couple of days when none are left, when I can go outside at night & listen to the katydids
and no longer wonder who else is sharing their song somewhere out on the road I will feel a little sad… and lonely.

Stepping off the ferry is as a childhood memory, something that happened long long ago and now the lifetime that is the vol-state
is almost over. People some of whom I scarcely knew when we stepped on the ferry have become family as I merely watched their gallant struggles. I saw them at the brink of despair. and knew that I could not help, that the strength to overcome had to come from within. I observed while they found in themselves something special deep inside that enabled then to go on no matter how insurmountable the obstacles, no matter how remote the finish.
I was inspired by their courage amused by their humor and touched by their heart watching each one as they finally reach the rock
my heart swells up with pride for them in all that they have accomplished by themselves.
But enough of that touchy-feely shit.

The women’s race sure ended in a different way than we expected. Everyone but Rita (the advantages of being unaided!) knew that she was closing on Cyndi at a rapid rate. Thru Jasper she had closed within less than a mile. The pass was already calculated as probably happening in Kimball… before Rita took a wrong turn.
Worst of all the wrong turn took her to a Dairy Queen. I have learned something new about Rita. I knew she was tough resilient and unflappable. I did not know she was a DQ-aholic. Heat, hills, passing semi’s, long stretches without aid – those dont faze her. She can run with superhuman strength & endurance. But she cannot pass by a Dairy Queen.
They should sponsor her. Cyndi put on her best closing kick, Rita enjoyed her ice cream and even tho Rita ran hard once she found out it was close Cyndi’s hard work paid off with a “win”.

Laz won too yesterday. Laz’ “win” was just sitting & waiting at the finish. While we waited Dan ‘feral’ Fox was there and shared many new tales of the road tales freshly written this year. However when he began to speak of the wonderful feeling having run hundreds of miles struggling thru the pain and fatigue for days on end and then finding yourself in a groove where you could just run, on and on for hours, feeling as if you could go on forever, the memories flooded back of why the vol-state is so glorious to run. Those special times when there is nothing in the world but me the lush green forests and fields and the endless white line that I follow. The regular creaking of my pack, the rhythmic chunk-chunk of my feet on the gravel shoulder, even the sound of my breathing, they belong with the singing of birds and insects and the sound of the wind thru the trees.
I am no longer a part of the world of humans rushing past in cars only a few feet away. It is like becoming a perfect animal – there are no thoughts of work or responsibility no worries about today or tomorrow. I just do what I do (run down the white line that never ends) and feel the pure joy of doing it.

Once you have tasted that purity of joy the pain and hardship to reach it seems as nothing and there is a hunger that nothing else can satisfy.

Then came in Cyndi and a little later Rita. Again I got to sit and listen… to two great women (and one pretty damn good husband/crew)
more stories more second-hand tasting of the “pleasures” of life on the road. I feel like I should pay for the privilege of sharing such company.

Maybe to some driving out to the rock to sit and wait in the woods might seem a burden. I find that I can scarcely wait to go to sit and gaze across the expansive vista of hills and dream of days gone by… on the road.

(I bet I know what an old dog is thinking about when they just sit and stare into space.)

You guys have fun at work. For me I am going to go to the rock. I think that is where I want to be.

laz The home of multiday running news and events.

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