Brugg 12/24 Hour 2011

Dear participants of the 12/24 hour run in 2011 Brugg
I hope the preparations are running well. We are ready and we look forward to seeing you soon.
This mail will give you some further information.

The Starting list is available online at

Program 24 hours running Brugg

Friday Sept 23th
Race venue open from 12.00 h

Saturday Sept 24th
From 7:00 h The parking and camping sites can be taken
10.00 h-11.30 h pick up starting number
12.00 h start 24-hour race
22.30 h-23.30 h pick up starting number 12 hours race

Sunday Sept 25th
00.00 h Start 12-hour race
12.00 h End of the race
about 13.30h Award ceremony

General information:
In the 12/24 hour race a sponsorrun in favor of pro Infirmis is integrated (non-profit organization for the benefit of disabled people). The participants of the 12/24 hour run can also participate. Registration on place at the pro Infirmis tent, sponsors card to fill out at the following link. The home of multiday running news and events.

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