Arizona 6 Day Update:

From Mark Dorion:

The following limited information (about the Arizona 6 Day race) was obtained from a fuzzy cell phone call from RD Gary Cross. I was attempting to cook dinner when the call came, so may not have everything exact.


In Douglas, AZ (elev. 3,900′)– 5th annual 6 day.

–Bob Oberkehr (NJ) reached 100 miles in about 30:46 (race started Sunday June 7, 12 noon).
He has about a 7 mile lead over a local woman whose name I did not catch.

There are 16 runners in the race, several quite young (15 to 22 years old). Farhad Nabi, a 21 year old former heavyweight wrestler from Afghanistan, is running.

Weather has been warm (hish 80s, low humidity) but not as hot as the first day of the Self-Transcendence/ New York 6 Day back in late April.

The course is an uncertified 3/4 mile loop around a small park, with the surface varying from dirt to grass to pavement and concrete. The home of multiday running news and events.

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