An Ultrarunning Training Weekend With Julia Armstrong

Ultra is organising a weekend at the Running Inn, Eastbourne, with the aim of improving your ultrarunning performance by taking a holistic approach to training and performing over distance. The weekend offers a chance to take your training in an exciting new direction in the company of likeminded people, and to ensure that you make the most of your running experience, both on and off the track.

The approachjulia_banner
In the list of leisure activities that can take over and filter into the rest of your life, ultrarunning must come close to the top. Apart from the time taken by the running itself, the physical and emotional demands mean effective ways of managing yourself are essential. At the same time, however, running ultra distances offers a fantastic opportunity to really gain an awareness of yourself, both physically and emotionally – from the need to keep your body balanced to perfection, to the complete spectrum of emotions you experience over all those miles…

July 18th to 19th, 2009.
The Running Inn, Eastbourne

Further details can be found at:

About Julia Armstrong

As a former international marathon runner, Julia’s accolades include winning the Dublin City Marathon and representing England in the 1986 Commonwealth Games. Within her own journey to peak performance, she experienced many highs and lows and discovered the skills necessary to perform at top level and to manage herself effectively, whatever challenge, difficulty, success or triumph she experienced.

Following her career as an international athlete and UK athletics coach, Julia gravitated towards sports psychology. Guiding others came naturally to Julia, prompting her to train as a counsellor at the renowned Kensington Consultation Centre. Julia has been working with people from all walks of life, and with all levels of difficulty for thirty years, and now works as a core therapist at the highest level.

As well as her therapy work, Julia is also a writer, broadcaster and public speaker, working to spread her message and philosophy out in the world. She has recently published her first book, Running to Learn, and features regularly in the national press.

More about Julia can be found her website at: The home of multiday running news and events.

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