Adelaide 6-Day and 48-Hour Ultramarathon 2014 – Newsletter

Adelaide 6 day race logoAdelaide 6-Day and 48-Hour Ultramarathon Starting September 29th 2014

Welcome to our third Newsletter –  ONLY 7 months to go!

PROGRESS: Its ON! Adelaide City Council will be issuing a Licence for the course and the Heritage Grandstand. The International Association of Ultrarunners has awarded these two races “IAU labels 535 and 536 for the Adelaide Victoria Park 6D and 48H events”.

LOCATION: With Council staff the placing of substantial marquees as participant rest areas is being planned. How many will depend upon entries of course.

RULE CHANGE: The requirement for all participants to remain within the course site is relaxed to allow NON-PODIUM contenders (particularly from Adelaide) to do shorter runs each, and every day, and return home any time of the day. They must log their departure and arrival with the Race Director. This will reduce pressure on course marquee accommodation while allowing first-timers to try this race out.

LOGO: A new logo is being done and SARRC approval is still near!

CHARITY RUN: John Timms an ex-Colac 6-day stalwart is going to run from Colac to Adelaide to raise awareness and funds for Prostate Cancer Research. Looks like he may be joined by others as well, if you want to use this as a training run I can pass on the message. I think its around 50km per day.

There are seven entrants already – see here. Note EARLY-BIRD discounts apply until 1 March 2014. AURA and SARRC members get the membership rate.

If there are items missing from the web site that will help you, please tell me.


Doug Kewley
Race Director
Adelaide 6-Day and 48-hour Ultra Marathon Events!
Date: 6 Day  29th September at 12:00am

Adelaide 6-Day and 48-Hour Ultramarathon 2014 – Newsletter
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