Across The Years 2011

Camelback Ranch-Glendale To Host New Year’s Weekend Multi-Day Running Event

Across The Years multiday races logoGlendale, Arizona — “The Across The Years 72-, 48-, and 24-Hour Footrace,” an annual fixed-time, multi-day, New Year’s weekend running event celebrating the new year, has named Camelback Ranch-Glendale (CR-G), the spring home of the Chicago White Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers, the site of its 28th annual ultra-distance races.

Drawing runners and fans from across the United States, the event begins Thursday, December 29 and concludes Sunday, January 1, 2012.

“Across The Years,” founded in 1983, requires runners to cover as much distance as possible in their allotted amount of time. Runners have 24, 48, or 72 hours to cover as much distance as possible. They are free to walk, stop, eat, and sleep whenever they wish … but the clock always runs! The go-as-you-please event is popular with beginners and competitive runners, allowing them to run, socialize, eat, rest and sleep as desired.

The CR-G course of crushed gravel measures 1.05 miles and traverses desert landscaping, lush greenery and a waterfall-fed lake.

In recent years, the race has used a lottery to select runners from a large pool of applicants. But with the expanded capacity of CR-G, the race returns to an open-entry registration for 2012.

Race Director Nick Coury offers, “Camelback Ranch-Glendale is a perfect new venue with a wide gravel track that is an ideal length and consistency for multi-day running. It also offers new conveniences, especially for those from out of town. We now have extensive track-side parking, a host hotel two miles from the race, and dozens of restaurants and stores nearby.”

CR-G President and General Manager Jeff Overton adds, “We are pleased to display the versatility of our expansive and beautiful campus by staging our first long-distance running event in perfect weather for outdoor activity. The crushed gravel paths are ideal for endurance racing as runners traverse Major League Baseball’s largest spring-training complex. The size and scope of our campus also will comfortably accommodate race fans and family members.”

Registration — Registration for the New Year’s “All You Can Run” celebration is now open. Runners may register for the 72-, 48- or 24-hour races.
A discount is offered to entrants 18 years and younger to encourage family participation.
Enrollment is capped at 200 runners per day so runners are encouraged to register early.
Race Details — For more details about the unique race, visit The home of multiday running news and events.

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