Les 1,000 Kilomètres de France 2012 – The “MiL’KiL”

Hallo, Hello, Ciao,
Please find all useful information about Les 1.000 Kilomètres de France 2012 also called “MiL’KiL” at this page : http://www.yanoo.net/index.php?load=news&key=1362.

lt is now possible to enter by sending back the Entry form + Rules document. Both documents must be signed.
This will be Edition III of this event after the first two in 2008 (23 entrants) and 2009 (19 entrants).

Most important information to know now is :

1000 kilometers non-stop race. You organise your running / walking /eating / sleeping as you like

MiL’KiL is a short name and a joke for “1000 Kil” (same pronunciation), “Kil” beeing for french runners a frequently used short name for Kilometer
– Route is from sea to sea, from cities of ST-MALO to SETE, both touristic scenic cities, and visiting famous MONT-ST-MICHEL on first day (Km 60), also a very popular place visited by tourists
– Start : Sunday June 17 at 8.00 AM. Cut-off 12 days (288 hours). Long days + short nights at this period.
– you need your own handler with a vehicle (solo run with no handler is allowed but not suggested)
– route is marked same way as Transe Gaule, Deutschlandlauf and Trans Europe, this system works very well
– paper roadbook will help during night running
– from Km 201 to 807 is mostly the same route as Transe Gaule (just a few differences, sometimes we will avoid some lost roads so that direction is easier to follow)
– From MONT-ST-MICHEL to Km 200, some parts are a bit boring with long straight lines

– Few sections among high traffic (but there are some), mostly quiet roads in the countryside, Central France is scenic and little inhabited
– After RODEZ (Km 800), MiL’KiL route leaves Transe Gaule route, this part is very scenic and also very hilly
– Each runner has to make one phone call each day informing  organisers of his position
– Maybe a GPS chip provided to each runner so that it’s possible to follow the runners on the Internet (I’m studying it, maybe if not too expensive)
– Entry fee : 350 € (including 2 dinners for 1 handler : 1 before start + 1 after fnish). Payment for foreigners by bank transfer.
– day before start : dinner included and it will possible to sleep for free in a hall near St-Malo
– at the finish line : it is not easy to find a hall for the 4 or 5 days which will separate first and last runners but I’m looking for a place near the finish line where runners could rest and have a shower for free. This option is not sure to be possible, in 2008 and 2009 runners with no camping-car had to arrange their accomodation themselves (camping or hotel)
– June 29 in Sète, dinner for finishers and crew + awards ceremony
– about 20 runners now signed up. I think there could be a maximum of 40 runners, I don’t think more.
– Rules during the race : you are allowed to enter a vehicle to leave the marked route and go away (for eating or sleeping in town) as much as you come back to the same place to resume your run. Material will be given to runners so that they can mark their leaving point.
– no sheriff or marshall to look after the runners integrity : we consider this a race for gentlemen with no cheaters, only well-known experienced runners will be accepted at the start.

Please also feel free to send me your questions about this event.

– MiL’KiL Finishers will be named MiL’Killer for life !

Route is online on wabsite Openrunner.com

Section 0 : Saint-Malo –> Mont-st-Michel [Km 0 to 60,6 in the roadbook]

Section 1 : Mont-st-Michel –> Châtellerault [Km 65,0 to 360,3 in the roadbook]


Section 2 : Châtellerault –> Aurillac [Km 360,3 to 710,8 in the roadbook]


Section 3 : Aurillac –> Sète Terminus [Km 710,8 to 1000 in the roadbook]


Lisez, cogitez …et à bientôt à St-Malo !
J.-B. Jaouen

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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