10th Annual Dry Rock Ridge Run 2011

Dry Rock Ridge Run (10th annual)
Vado, NM
Feb. 12, 2011
50+Km (33 mi.)/ Single-track trails, old jeep roads and some pavement at 3,985′>4,600′



1. Mark Dorion, 51, TX 6:23:22
2. Peter Hudec, 41, NY 6:29:24
3. Bob Klapthor, 56, TX 21.1 miles
4. Greg Helbig, 55, NM 18.1 mi.
5. Tom Alford, 70, NM 12.5 mi.
Lynn Alford, 50, NM 12.5 mi.

After a week of all-time record low temperatures (lows of 0F, highs in the teens) in the border southwest, the Dry Rock runners got roasted by a 70F high desert sun.

I ended up limping in some pain to the finish of this run, and may be facing a long sabbatical from any serious running. Minor surgery, two casts, several new pairs of orthotics and many different types of shoes and tape jobs (all in the past two years) have failed to alleviate ongoing navicular, nerve and tendon problems in my feet.

That said, we expect to have an 11th annual Dry Rock Ridge Run through the local red rock canyons and cactus-shrouded ridges happen in 2012. Come join the jackrabbits, cottontails, coyotes, hawks and runners!

Best wishes to all ultrarunners,

Mark Dorion

Report & Photos from 2009 Dry Rock Ridge Run

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