Yukon Arctic Ultra Newsletter – August 2007

Hello everyone,

RaidLight new Gold Sponsor for Yukon Arctic Ultra

It is with great pleasure that I can announce today that RaidLight will be a new Gold Sponsor for the Yukon Arctic Ultra. “Gold Sponsor” refers to the level of sponsorship and is our equivalent to a Main Sponsor. The number of which is limited to a maximum of 5 brands.

RaidLight is an ideal sponsor for many reasons. Their core is Trail Running, Orienteering and Ultra Running. The founder himself, Benoit Laval, is an excellent Trail Runner. With his innovative products he has managed to make his brand well known amongst athletes in Europe and world wide.

From now on RaidLight will be the exclusive partner of the YAU when it comes to athlete�s running gear. And the other disciplines will be able to find interesting products for themselves, too.

Shortly, we will create a new section on this site with Merchandise. There you will find interesting gear for your training and of course the participation for the YAU itself. Of course our Give-Away Shirts for all the participants will also be from RaidLight. That’s the end of our famous cotton shirts. Welcome in the world of functional fabrics!

If you want to find out more about RaidLight please check out their website www.raidlight.com. If you want to purchase RaidLight products in general, please check on www.racelite.com. They have got pretty much the entire range in stock.

Lestra to produce YAU sleeping bag

You are not sure what sleeping bag to use for the YAU? Well, then wait a little bit as Lestra is working on a new sleeping bag especially for YAU athletes. I don’t have any details, yet. However, with their great reputation for quality and fair prices, this sleeping bag sure will be interesting! If you want to find out more about Lestra, please have a look at www.lestra.com.

New athletes on the race roster

We have three more newcomers to the YAU! Welcome 300 mile athlete Thomas Farrell from Jersey and welcome to 100 mile athletes Michael Patmore from Newtownards, Northern Ireland and Rafffael Zeller from Bammental in Germany.

Please remember the Entry Deadline August 31st, 2007

For those of you who know that you will participate for sure, please don’t forget that the entry fees go up after August 31st. Of course you can then still enter the YAU 2008 but for the longer distances rates go up by EUR 100. The marathon entry will be EUR 50 more.

The GREAT OUTDOORS has moved

After about 2 years in the beautiful village of Mittenwald, I have moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It is just as beautiful here at the foot of Germany’s highest peak, Mt. Zugspitze. It’s just a bit bigger and closer to Munich.
Due to this move I can’t receive faxes, yet. However, I can now be reached again by regular phone line and of course as always by email and cell phone. My new contact details are all in the Contact section on the left.

Best regards,

Robert Pollhammer

(Race Director)

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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