Wild West Relay – August 6-7, 2010

The Wild West Relay is a 200-mile distance team running relay race adventure in Colorado designed for runners of all abilities. The Seventh Annual running of the Wild West Relay will be Friday – Saturday, August 6th – 7th, 2010.


This Colorado relay race begins by the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Fort Collins, and finishes in the beautiful ski and summer resort town of Steamboat Springs. Held on open public roads, much of this very scenic and remote course runs through National Forests or on dirt roads. The route winds through Roosevelt, Medicine Bow, and Routt National Forests, and through small, mountain and ranching communities.


There are two main divisions of teams in the Wild West Relay: 12-person and Ultra teams. Both divisions have competitive and non-competitive options.

12-person teams (7 – 12 runners) have seven competitive categories to choose from: Men’s, Women’s, Mixed, Open, Masters, Flatlanders (all team members live below 2,500 feet), or Hash House Harrier (the red dress division) categories. Each person on a competitive 12-member team runs three legs of the race in rotation, with legs averaging 5.25 miles in distance.

High School teams are also invited to participate and have a discounted registration fee.

Ultra teams (4 – 6 runners) have three options to choose from. Ultra teams can choose the 6 x 1 option where each runner is responsible for one leg of the race averaging 32.5 miles or the 6 x 6 option where each runner is responsible for 6 legs run in rotation as the 12-person teams does. The Super Ultra option is for ultra runners who want the challenge of running to route solo or with a team of up to three runners.

The Helter Skelter category is available for both 12-person and Ultra teams and is a non-competitive category. Whereas competitive teams must follow the standard relay rules of keeping the running order of their team intact, the Helter Skelter category is for teams that choose to have their runners run in any order they want. No prizes are awarded to the top teams in the Helter Skelter category.

Teams start in waves from 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM – a team’s starting time is dependent on a team’s pace.

Wild West Relay route
Wild West Relay route

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