The Twentieth Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race – Upates – Day 26

Atmavir Spacil
Atmavir Spacil Photo by Prabhakar Street

Much has happened in the last week at the Twentieth Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race as the race has crossed the halfway point. Two runners retired from the race last weekend as Volodymyr Hlushchuk withdrew due to back persistent problems and Shamita Achenbach-Konig was advised to retire on day 19 after two days of problems.

Vasu Duzhiy has been suffering from blisters and as a consequence, Atmavir Spacil has put almost 50 miles between them. Ashprihanal seems to have finally shaken off his cold and has been day winner for the last two days getting over 70 miles each day and has moved into third place ahead of Vasu who has been struggling for a few days.

Sopan, who started well then fell behind a little looks like he is getting back on track with 8 days of 60+ miles. Kaneenika has been steady all race and has cut the deficit between her and Surasa to seven miles after outrunning Surasa for the last three days.


Men Name Day 26
1 Atmavir Petr Spacil 1796.2
day total 68
2 Yuri Trostenyuk 1749.5
day total 66.9
3 Ashprihanal Aalto 1727
day total 70.2
4 Vasu Duzhiy 1722.6
day total 46.6
5 Sopan Tsekov 1520.1
day total 60.3
6 Stutisheel Lebedyev 1493.2
day total 61.4
7 Baladev Pavol Saraz 1485
day total 57
8 Ananda-Lahari Zuscin 1413.1
day total 47.1
9 Volodymyr Hlushchuk 919.2
day total 0
Name Day 26
1 Surasa Mairer 1666.7
day total 60.9
2 Kaneenika Janakova 1659
day total 63.1
3 Shamita Achenbach-Konig 1139.3
day total 0

Race website:
Utpals Daily Blog on:
Photos by Prabhakar Street:
Stutisheel’s runner blog:
Sopans runner blog: The home of multiday running news and events.

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