The Runner – A Documentary by Paolo Casalis & Stefano Scarafia

IL_CORRIDORE_marco_olmo1Press Release:

We’re glad to announce the release of “The Runner”, a Documentary Movie by Paolo Casalis and Stefano Scarafia, produced by Bodà (Italy).

“The Runner” is the story of Marco Olmo, a living legend of extreme running. He came late to the sport, when the others started to stop. In his ?previous lives?, as he defines them, he has been a farmer, a truck driver, a workman.
Running has became his reason for living, the way to take his revenge on his hard destiny. At the age of 58, winning the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc, the most difficult and important endurance race in the world, Marco Olmo has become the undoubted World Champion of Ultra Trail, an almost unimaginable speciality, twenty hours of continuous running in the high mountains or in the desert, where mental and physical training and personal motivations are fundamental.
Despite age, physical problems and always younger and more prepared opponents, he doesn?’t want to stop.
For a year he has prepared to face Mont Blanc again, to run for 167 km (over 100 miles) around the tallest European mountain.
This competition, which twice, consecutively, has consecrated him as champion, could become the last of his career.
Marco must win, to show himself that he can still do it. This is his story.

The movie is subtitled in English, French and Spanish. For further info, images or to see the movie’s trailer,
please visit or

Thanks for your attention,
The Runner
– a documentary by Paolo Casalis and Stefano Scarafia

Paolo Casalis, Stefano Scarafia
Music Alberto Cipolla
Production BODA?
With the support of: Film Commission Torino Piemonte –
Comune di RObilante

via Principe Tommaso, 18/a
10125 – Torino
t./f. -39 011 7940065
[email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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