Trans-Con Runner Paul Staso Plans to Bike It
Last year Paul Staso ran across America. He is now planning to cycle across the country, for the same reason as last year: to encourage children to exercise. He feels he is making a difference,if […]
Last year Paul Staso ran across America. He is now planning to cycle across the country, for the same reason as last year: to encourage children to exercise. He feels he is making a difference,if […]
Hello everyone, most of you who will follow this year’s Yukon Arctic Ultra and certainly those of you who run, xc-ski or mountain bike it will have frequently checked the website these last few weeks. […]
Dearest friends! Peace, Love, Health and Joy! These are what we wish for every one of you during the whole year 2007! On October 31st, Jean welcomes his daughter, Élisa-Jane, at the airport in Hamburg, […]
Race Director Dave Annandale, writes that this years race will fill up before the closing date if interest continues at its current level, so don’t leave it too late to sign up. Website:www.easthullharriers.org
Dear Ultra Runner, There was a fantastic turnout for the 5th annual Grand Prix Awards Brunch!There was an “icy trail run” followed by a sumptious hot brunch-ending with the award ceremony, hosted by Rich I.Congratulations […]
PRESS RELEASE January 30, 2007 2007 COASTAL CHALLENGE EXPEDITION RUN STARTS NEXT WEEK Route of Fire Foot Race Runs February 3-10 Over 230-km in NW Costa Rica SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA — The Coastal Challenge, […]
  Downloadable race application and info is available on the SriChinmoyRaces.org site as pdf’s. Checkout the Self-Transcendence Spring Newsletter
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