Sur la piste des Maharajahs 2006

Today is the sixth stage of the [tag]Sur la piste des Maharajahs[/tag] an adventure event in Rajasthan North-Eastern India. The event began on the 28th of November and finishes on the 9th of December in Udaipur.
Translation of the website:

On the track of the Maharajahs is a [tag]raid[/tag] with a daily distance between 30 and 50 km for the VTT, of 25 km for the race with foot and of 15 km for the walkers. The profile of the stages corresponds completely to the ground of predilection of the VTT and the race to foot; more distances suggested with each category enable them to benefit fully from the crossed areas. The grounds on which the stages proceed are very varied. For each one of them, several points of supply are planned. The distance of the 11 cumulative stages (VTT: 419 km; race with foot: 233 km; go: 155 km) require the participants to be in good general physical condition.

Checkout the website at Sur la piste des Maharajahs The home of multiday running news and events.

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