Site News – October 2009

site_newsJust a few quick notes.

Site Issues

Yesterday a visitor kindly pointed out a problem that had escaped my attention. The Category A-Z page was not working – all the links returned an error message. It has now been fixed.

Day by day the site changes and often I find solutions to problems that inevitably cause other problems that I am not aware of, a bit like life actually… Blogs get deleted, websites come and go pages change and links get broken. I believe in links. I liberally sprinkle links to more useful information wherever possible, though not to excess, but checking links is a time consuming chore and sadly languishes at the bottom of  the to-do list, however let me know if you find one and I’ll sort it.

I (and other visitors) am very grateful for people taking the time to point out problems so they can be fixed.

  • Currently there is a problem with the Community Board which had been deactivated due to excessive spam and which I will reactivate/replace in the near future.
  • Also sometimes pages take a long time to load. I am looking into this as it doesn’t seem to be a consistent problem though frequent enough to be annoying.


Contributions to the site are always welcome. This site is based on the idea of disseminating information concerning ultra and multiday running and that is our running world. I take time to see whats happening in the ultra world most days and if you have something to share then let me know. We are all beginners in one way or another, whatever level we are at, there is the unknown always in front of us.  Many people have been the way we are traveling and that experience is invaluable.

  • New race information
  • Event dates
  • Results
  • Reports
  • Articles
  • Biographies
  • Resources – links, products, techniques, tips

Over the winter I am planning on writing a series of articles as the news scene goes quieter. Also I will be inviting people to be Guest Blogger. If you want to be involved in any way then I am a nice guy, reasonable, flexible and willing to take chances, willing to exchange energy and happy to offer more to the site and its visitors.

Maybe you have a project, a significant personal challenge or big race or solo journey – I am willing to consider

Graphic Designer

Have some spare time/skill as a Graphic Designer and want to work for a few hours  for free? Of course you do and this is your golden opportunity.

Any questions, queries, contributions send to:  [email protected]

Many thanks for your support.

Abichal The home of multiday running news and events.

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