Self-Transcendence 6-12-24 Hour Races, Ottawa 2014

Self-Transcendence 6,12 & 24 Hour RaceSelf-Transcendence 6-12-24 Hour Races, Ottawa, September 27, 2014

This is the 33rd annual event of the 24-hour race, the longest running 24-hour race in the world. Held now at the Louis Riel Dome on a 400 m indoor certified championship track, this event continues to attract a number of runners who have set national and international records. Many runners come back year after year to enjoy the first-class services and the friendly team spirit offered by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team that puts on the race.

As you can imagine, there are many stories over the years: In the 1990s, a runner from the Maritimes called Egor Egan ran this race five times. He would drive from Halifax in a car that was barely roadworthy, often arriving after the start of the race. After circling the course for many hours, he would develop an alarming lean to the point that onlookers were concerned he would fall over! He entertained fellow participants with stories of his running experiences in the wilds of Nova Scotia. Al Howie, a well-known Canadian ultramarathoner, ran the race seven consecutive years starting in 1981, with a best distance of 241.286 km.

The longest distance recorded in this race was run by Peter Holubar, who ran 242.919 km in 1989.

The Race is part of the IAU ( and also caters to the Master’s program. We are often the location selected for various races by the national Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners (Association canadienne des ultramarathoniens). We have recently been included in Marathon & Beyond as well as in Richard Hoad’s book, The World’s Toughest Endurance Challenges.


Race website: The home of multiday running news and events.

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