Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2015 – Update

Asprihanal Aalto
Asprihanal Aalto Photo by Prabhakar Street

The Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2015 has reached the two week point. Ashprihanal Aalto blasted through the first 1000 miles in 12:17:19:40 with a new pb surpassing his 13:04:46:51 making that the 8th fastest all-time 1000 mile performance. Ashprihanal had a 50 mile lead over Atmavir Petr Spacil at the close of day 14 and has been averaging over 77 miles a day.

Close behind Atmavir, just 6 miles, is Galya Balatsky both making an impression on the 1000 mile list.

Yesterday Grahak retired from the race with a hip problem. The 38 year old Australian three time finisher was very disappointed to have to pull out. “Its my first DNF” he said.

The two women have climbed just above the cut-off point while Ananda Lahari and Baladev have fallen off pace at the moment.

Progress charts

Event webpage:

Daily photos from the race by Prabhakar Street

Perfection-Journey – Interviews, photos and chat with the 3100 runners – Live and direct


There are some excellent photos by Prabhakar at the link above and also here. There’s another photo of Asprihanal wearing a t-shirt with one of Sri Chinmoy’s aphorisms on the back. I googled the text and found a talk that the race founder, Sri Chinmoy, gave on 15 August 2005 at the awards ceremony for the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race runners at Aspiration-Ground Jamaica, New York.

The talk was published with the title My golden children  and illustrates the significance, for Sri Chinmoy, of even small details – the importance of a smile, for example, the consciousness of the cooks, being happy and even mentions special places where Mother Nature offers her help. The home of multiday running news and events.

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